If you like polka dots, stripes, bows – or, indeed, any combination of the three, then I’m sure Lola Ramona requires no introduction from me.
Polka dots, you see, are their THING. As are bows. As are stripes. As are all of the things you’d normally come to associate with words like “cute”, “quirky” and “whimsical”, because this collection is all of those things and more – and given that what I’ve shown in the image above is only a small selection of the shoes on offer (albeit a pretty representative one), you’ll probably gather that for people who are into this kind of look, Lola Ramona is basically shoe heaven.
As for me, well, I AM into “this kind of thing”, if, by that, you mean simply the polka dot and stripe patterns, plus the classic “bow on the toe” look. Those are, in fact, some of my very favourite things when it comes to shoes/clothes/life in general, and I find it almost impossible to see an item of clothing or footwear which fits the descriptions given above, and NOT want to buy it. That IS the case here, though, as surprising as it might be to those who know me well, because as much as I like the use of colours and prints on these shoes…well, it’s a very specific kind of look, isn’t it? It’s fun, sure, but there’s also a bit of a “sensible” feel to quite a few of these shoes, and that comes courtesy of the low heels, thick platforms and chunky shapes. They’re sweet, but they’re probably not what you’d call sophisticated: that’s not a criticism, I hasten to add, because it’s absolutely not the kind of look this particular brand are going for, but although I always stop to admire these shoes from afar, they’re just a little bit too “cutesy” for my own personal taste.
What do you think of Lola Ramona?
This shoes looks so pretty!!
Love them.
Thanks for sharing.