When will I learn to stay away from the Modcloth website? I don’t think I’ve ever looked at it without finding something I instantly wanted to buy, and today that “something” is these red ‘Marilyn’ ankle boots, which are adorable, and only $42.99.
Of course, this being Modcloth, and the world not being fair, they’re already selling out fast, so my apologies if your size is gone by the time you see this. If it’s any consolation, mine is too. Oh, the humanity!
They are very sweet shoes! I’ve never heard of the brand except on here, which depresses me because it means they’re not available in Australia.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Dirty Little Secret =-.
Modcloth should just rename themselves “Buy Me You Know You Want To” – I have the same problem as you Amber, I should totally NEVER look at their site!
.-= Selina´s last blog ..Your daily dose of pretty: hey Tooth Fairy! =-.