Ted Baker ‘Atiri’ printed rain boots, £95
It’s rained so much over the past few weeks that it’s starting to feel like it’s never going to be dry again. (Melodramatic, I know, but I’m writing this with the rain lashing against the windows and the dog staring at me mournfully, wondering when he’s going to get walked, and I think I’m experiencing a touch of cabin fever…) Wet weather poses all kinds of issues when it comes to footwear. Lately I’ve been loving my collection of Melissa shoes, which are waterproof without looking looking like Wellingstons, but let’s face it: sometimes you NEED to wear Wellingtons, don’t you? There are times when knee-high rubber boots are the only shoes that will allow you to leave the shoes without getting soaked (or ruining precious shoes, which could be even worse…), which is why these Ted Baker ‘Atiri’ boots are looking mighty good to me this week.
Wellies have come a long way in the last few years, and there are now lots of different colours and prints to choose from. I like the fact that these ones look very spring-like, with their pale blue background and colourful floral print. ‘Delicate’ isn’t a word I’m used to using to describe Wellington boots, but these do have a very pretty, feminine feel to them, which makes for a nice change.
What to wear when it’s raining?
What to wear when it’s raining
tunic // leggings // scarf // raincoat // umbrella
The key to wearing Wellington boots is to go for something that either fits comfortably inside them (skinny jeans/leggings) or falls over the top (skirts, dresses). For this outfit, I’ve gone with the latter option: I always feel like wet weather is a good excuse to break out some bright colours, too, so the yellow raincoat and pink umbrella have the dual purpose of keeping you dry and cheering you up on a dull day!
Funny, I haven’t owned a pair of wellingtons since I was a kid. Haven’t felt the need for them either. If I did, I might like these one for sure.