Do you ever find yourself looking at a photo of a model in a magazine, or on website, and thinking, “Great outfit: but oh man, THOSE SHOES!” I do. In fact, it happened to me just yesterday, when I was browsing the Zara website, and I came across these white polka dot pants:
Now, I LOVE the pants. But I absolutely HATE the shoes they’ve chosen to go with them:
Now, to be completely honest, I’d hate these shoes regardless of what they were being worn with. They’re flat gladiator-style sandals, after all: probably one of my least-favourite shoe styles ever. I think these trousers in particular seem to be crying out to be worn with something else, though, so I decided to give this model a Shoe Re-Do. Here are a few pairs of shoes I would wear with these pants instead (Although not necessarily with the shirt: I’ll get to that in a minute):
Shoes to Wear with Polka Dot Pants:
1. Brightly coloured flats
Any colour will work with white, of course, but I’m loving this sky blue shade right now.
2. Angular white wedges
A minimal shape to give a contemporary edge to the girlie polka dots.
3. Red peep toes
I can never resist pairing polka dots with red shoes. Mind you, I’m fairly sure I’d be unable to resist pairing these particular red shoes with just about everything I own…
4. Basic black pumps
Black doesn’t work with EVERYTHING, but it would work pretty well with these, and allow you to go for a brighter colour on top.
Speaking of “on top”: I wasn’t much more taken with the shirt Zara used here than I was with the shoes, so I decided to change that, too, and before I knew what had happened…
sunglasses | nail polish | lipstick | hair bow | top
So, that’s how I’d style these, but what about you: which shoes would YOU wear with polka dot pants?
Fairly sure I’ll have to buy those pants now…
I much prefer your styling! Those shoes are hideous and the shirt is just as bad. I would go with the black shoes, although it was a hard choice between those and the red ones. The pants are too cute!
Those shoes are an abomination! I would go with the blue flats, definitely.
I don’t understand why models have to slouch.
I understand you don’t like those shoes (they’re not my favourites either), but it annoys me a bit that you always want to replace them with something retro or ladylike, preferably red, black or blue, as if the retro/vintage inspired style is the only option if you want to look nice. I understand that this is your personal opinion, but I think these pants, because of their retro vibe, would look way more interesting with a more edgy pair of shoes and top instead of just going with the obvious and pairing them with a red or black top, retro sunglasses, elegant heels and red lipstick. But that’s just my opinion of course, I’d love to hear what you think about this!
Siel, It annoys me a little bit that you would get annoyed by the fact that Amber has a style that she likes to stick to.
I’m not criticising Amber’s style, I think she looks fab every time she shows an outfit on her blog. I’m just saying that in my opinion, a retro styled outfit isn’t the only outfit that would match with these trousers and that I was interested in hearing what Amber thinks about this. Why I get a reply by her husband saying he’s annoyed by me having an opinion seems a bit silly to me.
It may seem silly to you that I have an opinion of my own but I do, and I will give it when I feel like it.
I find it rather funny that you are complaining about me being annoyed at your “opinion” when the thing I am bothered about is you being annoyed about someone else’s opinion.
Siel, I didn’t at any point in this post say that my outfit was the only one that could possibly work with these pants. I said that it’s how I would probably wear them if they were mine, and then I asked other people how THEY would wear them. That’s quite different from me saying that my way is the only way, which is what you seem to be trying to imply here. Obviously I would wear them with the type of clothes I like – isn’t that what everyone does? Or do other people buy clothes and think, “My signature style is very retro, but I better wear these with something edgy, so people don’t think I’m being too ‘obvious’?” I think that’s ridiculous, if so.
As for “just stating an opinion”, there’s a difference between saying, “Personally I’d rather wear them like this…” and saying that you are actually “annoyed” that I chose something different. I mean, seriously? You’re annoyed because someone on the internet would wear a pair of trousers differently to how you would wear them? And you think I’m the one trying to say my way is the only way?
I much prefer your styling and the retro vibe I get off it. The red peep-toes are gorgeous!
I really like your restyle! There are some beautiful shoes I would have a hard time pairing. It’s fun to see someone else’s ideas, especially when you admire their fashion sense in the first place 😉
I love to see your styling posts, it was your outfit shots that brought me to your blogs in the first place and I never get tired of seeing your retro take on things!
I really like those pants, I think I’d probably wear them with my Minnie 2’s!
Thanks, Steph: I really enjoy doing it, and my impression is that most of my regular readers are here because they share my taste. It makes more sense to me to focus on a particular niche than try to please everyone and end up pleasing no-one!