Shoeper Shoe Challenge Week 34 Roundup

Happy week 34, Shoe Challengettes!

How’s everyone getting on with their Shoe Challenge this week? Although I broke out the tights yesterday for the first time this season, I still feel I’m stuck in that transitional period, which none of my clothes are quite “right” for, and this makes for poor Shoe Saving progress! Ah, well, there’s always next week, I guess…

Enjoy the roundup, and have a shoeper weekend!

p.s. I had to put the roundup together a little earlier today because I’m going to be out most of the afternoon, so if you sent in a photo late, don’t worry, I’ll include it next week!


  • I’d fallen really far behind (like 8 pairs) in posting pictures, but I caught up a little yesterday. I consolidated to 3 posts & emailed you the links. I’ve got fewer than 20 pairs to go though, and I think only 2 more pairs of open toe (incl. one I can wear with tights). =)

  • Only two pairs left that I do want to save in any case, plus two others that I’m not yet sure about…
    Let’s see what autumn and winter bring.

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