My new favourite brand for basics

Betty London at Spartoo

Betty London isn’t a new brand: in fact, I can’t even claim it’s new to me, because you see that cropped trench coat in the top left of the image above? I’ve had that jacket on constant rotation for most of this year: and I can easily see the same thing happening with everything else I’ve selected for the collage, too.

That’s the thing about Betty London, though: the pieces might not necessarily have a huge amount of ‘wow’ factor (although some most definitely do!), but they ARE the kind of items you’ll find yourself wearing over and over again – and then wishing you’d bought them in duplicate, because once they wear out, you know you’re going to struggle to find a decent replacement. Or I do, anyway, but then again, basics are right up my street right now: so much so that I’ve spent most of this year shunning pretty party dresses and spindly stilettos in favour of stripe sweaters (Because you can never have too many, right), and jeans that I know I’ll wear until they quite literally fall apart.

These, after all, are the kind of clothes that are worth investing in, and until quite recently, my closet was sadly lacking in them. Having convinced myself to start shopping for my real life, as opposed to my fantasy life, however I’ve found my wardrobe looking much healthier, and my life a whole lot easier – mostly because I no longer have a closet crammed full of clothes, but absolutely nothing to wear.

I’m going to continue shopping for my ‘real’ life for the foreseeable future, and all of the items above (all of which are available at Spartoo) are on my wish list: with the exception of the trench, of course, which I already own! Brown ankle boots, slogan sweaters, stripes and sparkly gold flats? Sounds good to me…


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