I expect there are some people out there who will absolutely love these shoes. I’m not one of them, though: while, generally speaking, hearts-on-shoes tend to set MY heart all a-flutter, these ones are garish, loud, and just a little bit tacky. Or maybe a LOT tacky, depending on your opinion.
The fact that they’ve been heavily discounted over at The Outnet makes me suspect I’m not the only one to feel this way about them – they were £705 and are now £211. That’s still pretty expensive, though, especially for a shoe that’s probably not going to be the most versatile style out there.
Want them? Get them here, if so.
I’m not sure what to say about these really. Ew seems to sum it up nicely though.
That was more or less what I thought, too!
They look cheap. Which they clearly are not.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Parrot =-.
They remind me of the Care Bears. And hookers. An unfortunate mix.
I literally LOL’d at that 🙂 (And oh God, you’re right – Care Bears are all I can think of now when I look at them!)