Sometimes when I’m writing posts for this site, I find myself inadvertently sticking to a theme I hadn’t planned at the start of the day. Today’s theme is “shoes kids might like”. Well, I think that probably applies to those floral Manolos I showed you earlier today, and it definitely applies to these cat-print Mary Janes by Miu Miu. (Maybe not so much to the gold F21 stilettos, mind you.) I mean, what kid doesn’t love shoes with a crazy cat print?
Actually, it’s not just the print that might appeal, here: the shape of the shoe also strikes me as a little bit child-like, high heel aside. This, of course, is one of Miu Miu’s statement prints of the season (the other one being the bird-print I featured not so long ago). It’s definitely very quirky and quite refreshing, and I find the cats themselves super-cute. The shoes, though? Let’s just say they’re not my favourite Miu Miu’s, although I know a lot of people could really make these work. Are you one of them?
Yeah, I could totally make them work. Too bad they’re almost 600 dollars.
What is up with Miu Miu and those disgusting heels?!?!?!?!?!
.-= Ally C´s last blog ..I Love Thursdays =-.
The platformed version is AWESOME, but these look not unlike some vile shoes I wore to school back in the day.
.-= Julia´s last blog ..Rings! =-.
I would wear these in a heartbeat. Perfect for a Gallery opening.
Well Miu Miu are certainly sticking to a theme…
I’d have to see them on. Just looking at the picture, I don’t think I like them.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..The Full Monty =-.
No, they don’t work for me at all!
These look SO much better in person (in shoe?) than they photograph. There is also a gold bird version.
But yeah, they look much better in reality.
.-= jessielou´s last blog ..Naughty Naughty =-.
I’m rather fond of Miu Miu’s theme at times, however, the heels on these shoes are FAR too chunky for my liking.