So, these are… not exactly what we’ve come to expect from Manolo Blahnik, are they? Can’t quite imagine Big proposing to Carrie with one of these bad boys. Still, clogs are very much du jour at the moment, and these are certainly clogs. With flowers on top. Very hippy-ish, a little bit childlike, totally colourful and… $685. Well, they don’t really look like $600 shoes to me, but perhaps they do to you, and if that’s the case, you’ll want to head over to Neiman Marcus and snap them up.
Oh, one other thing before you go: they’re called “Pog”. Yes, “Pog”. Isn’t that brilliant? I think we have our new Word of the Week, folks. I challenge you to use it in a sentence at least one time today…
I remember Pogs from the 90s – those little plastic discs that kids exhanged in the playground! These are okay but nothing that Scholl couldn’t do for a fraction of the price.
.-= Roisin´s last blog ..What’s brought all this on? Killing that man? =-.
I remember Pogs too, I saw the name and pictured a shoe with little plastic disks on. Thankfully they’re actually better than that would be. Tho definitely not very Manolo Blahnik-y or worth $600
.-= Alex´s last blog ..Shoeper Shoe Challenge #2 =-.
Words cannot describe how much I hate clogs, but I really think these are very pretty 🙂
.-= Ally C´s last blog ..I Love Thursdays =-.
Ugh, those flower things look like the ones that fit into the holes on Crocs.
Clogs = NO. That is all. Pog.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..The Full Monty =-.
I like clogs, but I think the flowers on these look very much like a cheap Do-it-yourself home crafting project.
These look fun but not for $600!