Even after all this time, it still blows my mind a little that Carlos Santana has a shoe line. Is that just me? And not just that, but a shoe line that has so far failed to produce a single shoe I’ve liked. At all.
But these ‘Ingenue’ boots. Hmmm. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I love them, but I might not actively hate them. I have a feeling the trim on the sides could go either way: it could look fabulous, or it could look like part of some kind of costume, although what kind I don’t know. And actually, now I come to write this post, it occurs to me that “I don’t know” is my over-riding feeling about these. Which is helpful, I’m sure.
Do YOU know what you think of these boots? And if so: WHAT?
Carlos by Carlos Santana ‘Ingenue’ boots, $188.95 at Amazon
I think they’re not horrible, but I still wouldn’t buy them. The trim makes them look like a part of a superhero costume, and I really don’t get that metal plate (or whatever it is) on the sole. The shape is not bad, though.
.-= Natasha´s last blog ..Onion Soup =-.
Carlos Santana has a shoe line? Seriously? Well blow me down! Nice shape, not really loving the rest though, he may be better off sticking to music.
.-= Selina´s last blog ..Your daily dose of pretty: Sputnik bracelet by fuzzishu =-.
Oh yes, he’s had it for quite a while! It takes quite a bit of getting used to, it has to be said.
Ehhh, they’re not that bad, but I don’t like them. Maybe that’s cause I just couldn’t pull them off. I’m sure people more fashionable than I could rock em though. The stripes or trim or whatever remind me of something a superhero would wear. Hmmm… Shoeperwoman?
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Nine accidentally funny domain names… =-.
I like these. I wouldn’t buy them, but that’s just because I can’t think of anything I own that they would go with.
.-= Leigh´s last blog ..Udderly Smooth Udder Cream =-.
I don’t understand why Carlos Santana has a shoe line. I’m unsure about these boot too.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..The finished product =-.
These came out last year fall/winter. I tried them on at Macy’s and to be honest, the fit isn’t bad at all. I have really small calfs and they fit perfectly. The colour/style wasn’t very eye appealing but the fit was great!!