I don’t normally like showing you shoes that aren’t actually available to buy yet, but I hope you’ll forgive me for this one when I tell you that although you can’t buy these right this very second, they will be available this May, so you don’t have too long to wait, if you love them.
As for me, I definitely do – love them, that is. I’m not sure I’d actually buy them: as much as I’m a fan of polka dots, these dots are so big, and so bold, that I think they might be a little bit tricky to wear. Mind you, no sooner were those words out of my mouth – or off my keyboard, rather – than I started imagining them with some kind of totally black outfit, and giving it a huge dose of “wow” factor. (I’d have suggested a totally white outfit too, but I’m a bit worried it would make me look like a dalmatian. No one really needs that, do they?)
They’re not entirely dis-similar to these ones by Brian Atwood, are they?.
What does everyone think of these?
(Keep an eye out on the ASOS website if you answered “OMGILOVETHEMANDMUSTHAVETHEM”. They’re not there yet, but they will be soon!)
There’s something so cheeky about them!
This post reminded me of these! I’m still debating if I should get them or not…. since I just got the one in leopard.
I think maybe there’s a bit too much white on display. The Brian Attwood ones are more subtle. Or it could just be that I am very tired and therefore delirious.