Topshop ‘Majorca’ skinny gingham stilettos
Yes, it’s another pair of gingham shoes. I guess you’re probably used to this by now, huh? Because I’ve talked at great length already about the ongoing gingham trend, I’m just going to skip right over all of that, and simply note that I actually feel like I’m being tortured by it right now. (Note: gross exaggeration, but you get what I mean…) I mean, I just remodelled my kitchen, and I have a thousand and one other home-related projects in the works (Again, I’m exaggerating here, but it certainly feels like it!), so it figures that NOW would be the time I’d suddenly start finding multiple pairs of shoes I feel like I just can’t live without. It’s always the way of it, isn’t it?
On the one hand, after what feels like years of uninspiring footwear choices (On the high street, at least: the designer collections are generally a little more interesting!), it’s good to feel that I’m finally – and probably temporarily – on the same page as the rest of the fashion world, but on the other hand, wow is it ever frustrating to see all of these beautiful shoes, and not be able to buy them!
Toyshop’s ‘Majorca’ sandals are a case in point – and very well named, too, because the name instantly conjures up images of long summer days and nights on Spanish islands – and the shoes would be absolutely perfect for that, don’t you think? Gingham is such a summery print, and that’s one of the reasons I like it so much, but these particular shoes also have a sophisticated feel to them, which would make them a good choice for evening wear. With that said, I’d also love to try them with a pair of white jeans – and maybe a matching gingham top, because I’m predictable like that!
I love these. I had a pair of gingham court shoes that I wore till they fell apart.