Sole Society ‘Helena’ low-cut booties

Sole Society Helena suede booties

Sole Society ‘Helena’, $79.95

If Sole Society offered shipping to the UK, I can pretty much guarantee that a pair of their ‘Helena’ booties would be making their way to Shoeper Towers at some point this season. Maybe even two pairs, actually, because I really like both the red and the blue versions, and at $79.95, it wouldn’t be TOO excessive to consider both, would it?

For me, the beauty of booties has always been the low tops, which makes them easy to wear with trousers (no need to worry about the hems getting caught in the top of the boots) or with skirts/dresses (no fear of the dreaded ‘cankles’, or that Stumpy Leg Syndrome which ankle boots can sometimes create). These have particularly low-cut sides, which makes them especially attractive, and they REALLY remind me of a pair of designer booties from last season, but my mind has gone totally blank on this one, so if you know the shoes I’m thinking of, please feel free to put me out of my misery!

I already mentioned the colours: the red and blue are both wonderfully vibrant, but if they’re just a little too bright for your tastes, these also come in grey and black, so there’s something for everyone. Or something for everyone who likes stiletto-heeled ankle boots, that is. I’m always on the lookout for red boots (I wear red shoes so much that a slightly warmer alternative for winter is always going to appeal to me), so I’d have no problem working out which colour to buy, but if you want to take a closer look, you’ll find all four of the available shades at the Sole Society website.

Buy them here


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