Shoeper Tip: Persistence Pays

Today, after an entire year’s worth of waiting and searching, I finally took delivery of a pair of Miss Selfridge’s red ‘Polly’ shoes, courtesy of a lovely eBay seller, who actually turned out to live not too far from me, meaning that the red Polly’s had been within my grasp all this time!

Persistence pays off, my little Shoeperstars. If there’s a shoe you want, and it’s sold out, why, all you have to do is set up an eBay alert and wait for the rest of your life, and you will surely find it!

As for me, my ‘Polly’ collection is finally complete:

Now onto the next eBay obsession!


    • Hi H,

      I actually pulled these out of a bargain bin in New Look and thinking how interesting they looked. I hope you’ve tried them on beofre your quest begins as I actually found them really uncomfortable. They’re just a bit of an odd fit really – but maybe I have odd shaped feet!!


      • Hi Laurenalice,

        Hmm… I haven’t tried them on – I’ve only ever seen them online 🙁
        I’m in a quandry now because I thought they looked *so* nice. Maybe if they come up on eBay and are super cheap I’ll give them a go…

        Thanks for the advice!


  • I agree with you about persistance! For the last couple of days I’ve been watching a pair of shoes on Ebay that I have been looking for in my size and preferred colour since 2008!

    I’m desperately trying to control myself and not bid on them until the last minute (ie. follow the ebay buyers code of NOT getting carried away so that the price gets racked up days before they finish).

    Fingers crossed…in a few mere days they could be mine 🙂

  • Whiiiii!! Congratulations!! Funny thing is, after I already had the red and the black (from eBay), I just purchased the grey ones as well. 🙂

  • EBay alert you say???! Hmmm…methinks I need to investigate! (My “nemesis” is a pair of Next mustard shoes…so far every size but mine has popped up on eBay….obv all the size 6 people are very happy with their shoes..the others not so!)

    Yay for red shoes tho!

    • I have eBay alerts for lots of things right now: really handy because it means you don’t have to search the site every day, and you know you won’t miss the thing (unless, of course, the seller lists it using some completely random selection of keywords, which does happen!). Definitely worth setting one up if there’s something you really want!

  • wow confrats on your find! I can imagine how happy you are to find the shoes you were coveting for so long!
    (I myself just bought the boots that made me cry last winter when I saw the “sold out” note)

  • Something about the monochrome and the tapered heel make these look cartoonish to me. However, it is that whimsy that makes me adore them. Odd as I am not usually one for such types.I think the lovely shade of pink and oversized bow have hypnotized me.

  • Hi. These shoes are so wonderful! I’m looking on ebay right now for the black ones. Can you tell me how the size is, so I know if I should to take the bigger or smaller:) I live in Denmark, so I don’t know how the Miss Selfridge sizes are:)

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