Inspired by the horrible weather we’ve had this summer (and which I’m sure you’re all sick of me mentioning by now: sorry!), earlier this month I decided it was high time for me to invest in some “sensible” shoes: the kind of shoes I could wear in the rain, or in the cold, and which I wouldn’t have to worry about ruining by tramping through mud in them while out walking the dog, say, or doing almost anything else outdoors this year.
To this end, I ordered a pair of biker boots, a pair of sneakers, and a pair of flats. Of those, these black pumps by Buffalo are the only ones which didn’t get returned. The biker boots were much too big, and made me look like a cartoon character. The sneakers were perfectly nice, but just weren’t me, and as soon as I put them on I realised they were the kind of shoes I’d keep “just in case”, but would end up never wearing. Both went straight back the next day.
The flats, however, I kept, and while they’re far from the most exciting shoes I’ll ever buy, they’re really well made, and I love the low vamp and pointed toe, which gives them a bit of an Audrey Hepburn vibe – or I like to think so, anyway.
I’m not counting these towards my Shoe Challenge total, but I AM wearing them today, in honour of Shoeper Shoesday. If you’d like to join in and show me what you’re wearing on your feet today, submit your link below!