Shoeper Shoe Challenge # 71: Winter in the Woods

What: Vintage black boots, courtesy of my mum
When: Sunday, January 16th, 2011
Where: Running errands
With: Topshop dress, Primark leggings, H&M coat

Whoops! I realised this morning that when I was posting the Shoe Challenges from my holiday, I got mixed up and somehow managed to skip straight from number 64 to number 66, missing out 65 completely. That means I’m not actually quite as far on as I thought I was, and I have one extra pair of shoes to squeeze in before the challenge ends next Wednesday: gah!

Saturday was a dressed-up kind of day, so I figured I’d keep it casual on Sunday, with a comfy old leggings-and-knitted-dress outfit. It was one of those annoying days that come along every now and then: we’d planned to just spend it relaxing, but we hit a giant pothole in Terry’s car on our way home on Saturday night, which meant that Sunday had to be spent dealing with that. Still, could’ve been worse, I guess.

This is the final pair of boots I had to get through the challenge, and they’re another pair of 80s footwear, which come courtesy of my mother’s wardrobe. They’re one of those dull-but-useful pairs of boots, and I’ve actually worn them loads since the challenge started, I’ve just neglected to get a photo of them until now!

Brrr! The snow may have gone, but it’s still freezing! Roll on Spring!


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