Rollasole ‘Dotty for You’ emergency flats, £19.95
I’m sure you’ve all heard of Rollasole and their ’emergency’ flats, but just in case you haven’t, these are soft, bendable flats which you can roll up and keep in your handbag for shoe emergencies. And we’ve all had them, haven’t we? Those days when we go out wearing what we THINK is a comfortable pair of shoes, only to end up in agony by the end of the day – or the nights when we wear what we know perfectly well ISN’T a comfortable pair of shoes, but which we wear anyway, because they look fantastic. Rollasole is the answer to both of those scenarios, because when your shoes start to hurt, you just take them off and put on a pair of comfortable flats instead.
These shoes are soft enough to roll up into the container which comes with them, but they’re also durable enough to be worn out of doors: according to the website, these ones can be worn all day if you so desire, so your “emergency” shoes can become your regular shoes. In this case, I can definitely see myself wearing these for non-emergency purposes: the red polka dot upper and sweet little bow have a bit of a rockabilly vibe to them, which will look great with rolled jeans, or a full skirt.
As these are designed to be almost like outdoor slippers, however, the sizing is different from regular shoes, and they come in small, medium or large, rather than “normal” shoe sizes. There’s a guide on the site to tell you which size will correspond to your shoe size, but, never having tried them, I’m not sure how well they’ll fit, given that they’re designed to work for a range of sizes, rather than just one. There’s only one way to find out, though!