If last year was the Year of the Stripes for me, I’m christening this one Year Dot. I feel it’s only fair to give you all a bit of warning about this: I’ve already purchased one polka-dot item ( a top) this year, and I plan to purchase more. I won’t be forsaking my beloved stripes, of course – especially not when there are so many of them in the shops at the moment to tempt me – but I’m really feeling the dot fever. Which brings me to these Tabitha Simmons sandals.
This is one example of dots that I WON’T be buying this year: not just because they cost £796, but because the mix of colours is just a little bit OTT. (That said, if I saw them in New Look for £20, they’d probably be coming home with me. Well, you would, wouldn’t you?) They’re lots of fun, though, and have put a smile on my face on this dark January day, so let’s have one more look at them:
Roll on summer…
Soooo cute! I would totally wear them.
.-= Natasha´s last blog ..Onion Soup =-.
I love them! But not for that price.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..My newest toys =-.
You are right, they are kinda of fun! But only if they were at the Top Shop price!
They’re adorable!!!
.-= Ally C´s last blog ..Music For Your Ears. =-.
i would looooooooooooooooove them if they had no navy or red bit