Remember Office’s ‘Minted’ pumps, which I showed you earlier this year, and declared to be “the most perfect nude pumps on the high street right now”? (Exaggerate? Who, me?)
Well, look at what they’ve gone and done now:
They’re only the most perfect pair of GREEN pumps on the high street right now, aren’t they?
And now I’m gutted, because of course, I’m going to HAVE to add them to my wish list, aren’t I? And to think about buying them, even although they’re the last things I need. (Oh, but I can think of the perfect dress to wear with this shade of green…)
Want a pair? As well as the nude and green, these are also available in black and blue, and are £70: click here to buy them for me.
They are simply lovely! And I’m sure you won’t regret buying them!
Oh I love those! Such an amazing color!!!
Yes they are perfect and you must buy them immediately. Do it for us!