Giuseppe Zanotti blue suede peep toe boots

peep toe boots

Giuseppe Zanotti blue suede peep toe boots, £768

No, your eyes are not deceiving you: I’m showing you a pair of peep toe boots. And not as part of some kind of “Heroes or Villains” style test, either: I actually like these, and I say that as someone who has never owned, or even WANTED to own, a pair of peep toe boots in her life.

I would definitely make an exception for these ones, though, and not just because they’re by Giuseppe Zanotti, who can seriously do no wrong at the moment as far as I’m concerned. No, I can actually imagine wearing them: although they’re being classed as “boots” at Colette, the shape is shoe-like enough that I think they’d be fairly easy to wear, and while they’ll cover a lot more of the foot than a regular peep-toe would, they’ll still work well with quite a wide variety of outfits.

Whether they’re boots or shoes, though, the fact remains that the shape and colour is stunning, with the oversized gold buckle providing the perfect  finishing touch. These have a 4.5″ heel and a very small platform, and although you can’t see it quite as well as in some of the recent Zanotti shoes I’ve shown you, hiding under that buckle is a shape very similar to those green peep toes that are currently residing at the very top of my Shoeper Wish List.

These aren’t quite Kryptonite for me, but I do hope Zanotti continues to use this shape for a long time to come, because it’s already become a firm favourite!

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