Gina ‘Dido’ Dido swarovski-embellished pink mules

pin Swarovski crystal mules

Gina mules, £695

I know they’re not the most fashionable shoes out there, but I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for mules. They’re possibly the least practical stiletto style I know of, and most of them fall strictly into the “car to bar” or “lounging around looking pretty, and not walking anywhere” category, but that gives them a decadent feel that other footwear is lacking, and I can’t help but like them for it.

Of course, when I call them impractical, I’m exaggerating a little bit. I know many people find it hard to get used to shoes which don’t have a heel to help anchor them to the foot, but they’re definitely not impossible to walk in, and once you have the knack of it, they can feel just as comfortable and easy as any other pair of heels. Unlike any other pair of heels, however, these Gina mules probably won’t see a lot of walking action, no matter how comfortable you find them. The upper is covered in Swarovski crystals, and they look every bit as extravagant as the price tag suggests.

I think these would best worn as bridal or ball shoes (You all have lots of society balls to attend this summer, right? What do you mean, ‘no’?), with an equally amazing dress to match. The dress, however, I’ll leave up to you to find…

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