Gianvito Rossi Bow-Tie Ankle-Strap Bunny Sandals

Gianvito Rossi Bow-Tie Ankle-Strap Bunny Sandals

Gianvito Rossi Bow-Tie Ankle-Strap Bunny Sandals, £676

If you’d told me yesterday that today I’d be featuring a pair of “bunny shoes” here – and NOT in a “what the hell is this?!” kind of sense – I probably wouldn’t have believed you. “Bunny shoes”, you see, would fall very firmly into the territory of “novelty shoe”, and would make me think of the kind of thing Irregular Choice tends to do, with rabbits (or other creatures) as heels. Now, I mean absolutely no offence to those who own and love those shoes, and I know they’re incredibly popular, but they’re just not my style at all, which is why the very words “bunny shoe” wouldn’t generally spark a whole lot of interest from me.

That was yesterday, though. That was before I found these Gianvito Rossi sandals, and decided that not only do I love them, I’d actually wear them, too. Of course, these may be “bunny sandals”, but they are fairly subtle one – in fact, I think a lot of people possibly wouldn’t realise those were supposed to be rabbit ears at the back of the heel unless they were looking closely. They are supposed to be rabbit ears, though, and the ears of a rather glamorous bunny at that – the kind that would wear a bow tie, for instance. That detail is picked up on the ankle strap, and is the real reason I like these shoes – I do like the “ears”, but honestly wouldn’t complain too much if they weren’t there, either. The bow, however, is super-cute, and I like the way the colour matches the strap on the front of the shoe.

Overall, I think these are the right way to do “whimsical” on the shoe – they’re fanciful and fun, but they’re not childish looking, which is quite an achievement, considering they have a couple of bunny ears attached to the heel!

1 Comment

  • Oh yes, they are nice. But I am surprised that Rossi recovered his Tuxedo Bow Heel, he made a few years ago. Do you remember? I think you featured them her too.
    Luky me, I catched them in the sale at that time. So, this shoe doesnt bring me to temptation, because they are too similar to the tuxedo version.

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