Georgia Rose Cyprès mid-heel pumps with tartan bow

georgia rose black shoes with tartan bow

Georgia Rose  Cyprès, £101

With all of the summer shoes now in stock in most stores, it’s easy to forget we still have a good few weeks (or should that be “a BAD few weeks”?) of winter ahead of us. Well, it’s easy to forget it if you don’t ever step outside, or look out of the window, anyway. If you do, you’ll instantly realise that, yup, it’s still winter, and while these shoes are far from being “practical” for cold weather, the tartan bow and black suede upper does give them a very wintry feel.

These are another example of the mid-heeled pump, and actually, as I search for shoes to feature here every day, I’m starting to notice that there are more heels this height around right now than there are super-high stilettos -or it certainly feels that way, anyway. It’s always interesting to see how quickly fashions can change and I’m definitely seeing a swing away from very high heels, although that’s not a trend I’ll be following personally, of course!

In terms of the shoe itself, the tartan rosette on the toe gives them an almost regal feel: when I started to style them I kept thinking they really should be worn to a house party at someone’s rambling highland estate, but as that’s not the kind of occasion most of us find ourselves having to dress for, I’ve put together the kind of outfit you could wear just about anywhere:

green coat and black shoes

coat // jeans // cardigan // bag  // camisole

I’ve kept to a classic autumn/winter colour palette for this one, using the greens and golds that are always around at this time of year, and which work well with the little dash of tartan. You’d probably want to exchange the shoes for boots for a really cold day, but here’s hoping we don’t have too many of those to get through until spring!

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