Acne Studios ‘Alviva’ black suede pumps

black Acne shoes

Acne ‘Alviva’ black suede pumps, £607

I’m not generally a big fan of Acne Studios, but these ‘Alviva’ pumps keep popping up as I browse for shoes to feature here, and every time I’ve seen them, I’ve liked them a little bit more, so I thought it was probably time I featured them.

These are another example of the basic black pump, dressed up with a toe embellishment: in this case an oversized square block, which comes with what the website I found these on describes as “a nonplussed emoticon face”. This is picked up throughout Acne’s current collection, and I wouldn’t have thought it, but I really quite like it. It adds a touch of humour to what would otherwise be quite a serious looking shoe. I think the shape of the embellishment adds a lot to the style of these pumps: they’re very sophisticated, but with that little surprise from the little face: I like!

What to wear with these shoes?

Despite the quirky touch from the embellishment, I still see these as the kind of dress shoes you’d wear to the office or similar. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a bit of fun, though, so here’s an office-inspired look, with a nod to the spring season:

gingham skirt and yellow top

What to wear with Acne ‘Alviva’ pumps

skirt // top // cardigan // bag // watch

My obsession with all things gingham continues, and this skirt is just £24, which makes it an affordable way to add the print to your wardrobe. It’s also the kind of piece that you could easily dress up or down, so that £34 could end up going a long way!

What do you think of these shoes? How would you style them?

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