Ted Baker Morni Heeled Peeptoe Bow Court Shoes

Ted Baker Morni Heeled Peeptoe Bow Court Shoes

Ted Baker Morni Heeled Peeptoe Bow Court Shoes

Ted Baker Morni Heeled Peeptoe Bow Court Shoes, £100

If you’re a Shoeperwoman.com regular, you’re probably experiencing a strong sense of Shoe Deja Vu right now. These shoes are a style that’s become synonymous with Ted Baker: the puffed-up bow appeared on the Keanah, Keanah2 and Philesia styles, but somehow I never get tired of it, which is why as soon as I laid eyes on ‘Morni’, I knew I had to feature them, too. Well, I wouldn’t want them to feel left out, would I?

So, what’s different about these? Mostly the heel. The previous incarnations of this style have all featured a rather more slender stiletto heel, whereas this shoe has a straighter, slightly wider one. It’s a small difference, sure, but it’s just enough to allow me to justify showing you them: and you know, I don’t actually own this shoe in black yet. Hmmm.

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  • Shoeperwoman, where can I get a pair of these?! My wife loves them and I want to get them for her, for her birthday. But I can’t find them anywhere!

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