OK, that’s it: I think my head is about to explode over the whole “peep toes on boots” thing.
I mean, take these Steve Madden shoe boots. They’re gorgeous. They’re just the right shape for wearing with jeans. I LOVE the suds. They’re expensive, but not prohibitively so. In fact, they’d be just about perfect IF THEY DIDN’T HAVE A FREAKING PEEP TOE ON THEM.
But they do. And that’s just not going to work in the UK winter climate, so as much as I love everything else about them, I’m going to have to regretfully turn away from them, and think of them no more. Sad.
If you can live with cold toes in winter, these are £155 from My-Wardrobe.
I hear ya…I finally bit the bullet and bought a pair of boots with the peeptoe, thinking dark tights would look nice peeking out of them (they are light grey) but they will be my only pair. You are right, I’ve seen way too many boots ruined by the peeptoe – why? WHY A PEEPTOE? I can understand like a missing heel part or something but TOES? that’s what gets wet first!
.-= Wanderlusting´s last blog ..The Glass Slippers – a fairy tale =-.
Pffft to the peep toe boot.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..My new shoes =-.
It’s just so very silly. It’s winter here right now, and I love my boots because they keep my tootsies warm, especially with a nice pair of snuggly socks under them. So why, for the love of all that is pretty, would I want to freeze my tootsies off by having them peeping out? Frost bite is NOT a good look, even in the name of fashion.
.-= Selina´s last blog ..Your daily dose of pretty: Glambags handbag =-.
Always I wore boots with socks during the winter, for summer stiletto pumps, I don’t like me the peep toes, There is closed toe pumps and high heel sandals.
With peep toe bots in summer your feet will be sweating, in winter your tootsies wil be cold.