Knee high boots are sold by just about everyone at this time of year. The difference with these ones, though, is that they’re bright red – and amongst a sea of black, brown and the occasional purple, that’s really going to make them stand out. It’s also going to make you look a lot like Father Christmas if you’re not careful about what you wear with them: personally I’d stick to blacks and greys and resist the impulse to grow a long white beard, but avoiding to much red in the rest of your outfit will do the trick too. (Or green, actually: looking like one of the elves wouldn’t be much better now, would it?)
Christmas associations aside, I kind of love these, and I especially like the fact that they’re only £45. What YOU may like about them, however, is the fact that they also come in black, with not a Santa Claus reference in sight.
Oh gosh, these are talking to me, maybe if I don’t look directly at them I won’t want them *covers eyes*
.-= dressjunkie´s last blog ..OOTD =-.
They are gorgeous! Damn my fat legs 🙁
They are calling my name. Lucky I live too far away to hear it properly.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Weekend Report =-.