MICHAEL Michael Kors ‘Adalia‘, $145
This week, the blog seems to have taken on a bit of a stripey/nautical theme, which will have come as no surprise at all to regular readers, given that it tends to go that way around this time every year. This year, however, stripes are bigger than ever, and while it’s the chunky black and white ones that have been deemed to be most “on trend”, other colours and styles are getting their fair share of attention, too.
These red patent wedges by Michael Kors are a true summer classic, and an easy way to inject a touch of fun into your day. The combination of summer and stripes is a little like spring and florals, in that it’s obvious to the point of being totally overdone, but these looks are popular for a reason, and if you love them, then you may as well indulge while you can.
These also come in a black and yellow upper, and are available at Zappos.
I like them, but there’s just too much platform for me. I’d be seven feet tall.