I seem to have been mostly showing you boots today, so here’s a pair of shoes to balance things out, although, as you can see, I’m still sticking firmly to my unintentional “red and black” theme.
These shoes are by Prada, and you can find them at Nordstrom. I have good news and bad news about that, though:
The good news is that Nordstrom is now shipping to the UK: yay!
The bad news is…that Nordstrom is now shipping to the UK. And if they persist in carrying dropdeadgorgeous shoes, which cost no less than £533, well, that could get expensive.
Actually, though, the high price tag on these is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a curse for obvious reasons: it puts the shoes far out of my price range. But that’s a blessing in a way, too, because they’re SO far out of my range that there’s no point in even thinking about them, is there? In this way, I find the REAL menace comes from all of the mid-price shoes: the ones that are still expensive, but which you COULD just stretch to if you were to cut back on a few other things that month. Those are the shoes that torture me. These ones: well, these ones just make for some truly beautiful eye candy for me. If they’d make beautiful footwear for you, however, you can click here to buy them. I’ll only be a little bit jealous. OK, a lot.
I love your blog!
I want them. Immediately and now.
They look so…frightened, backed against the wall like that. I just want to pick them up and cuddle them, then hide them away so nobody can get them.
This right here is why I am secretly a bit happy Kurt Geiger doesn’t ship to the US.