Now, obviously it’ll depend very much on the vacation itself, where you’re going and how long you’re staying, but roughly how many pairs of shoes do you pack when you’re going away?
I’m in the process of packing for my upcoming trip, and me being me, I always want to take ALL of my shoes with me. And all of my dresses. And shorts. And… just everything. Nope, travelling light is not something that comes naturally to me, although over the last few years, luggage restrictions, plus the fact that I like to shop, and need to leave some room in my suitcase for the shoe-shaped souvenirs I will inevitably want to bring back with me, I’ve been trying to perfect the art of the capsule shoe wardrobe for trips such as this.
Tell me, then: what’s your magic number? Do you like to travel light, or do you adopt the boy scout’s motto: be prepared?
I lay everything out I want to take and say “right, have I worn this in the last two months or so?” No. “Why?” too spotty/stripey/short ect.
“If I haven’t worn it for that reason recently, why would I wear it on holiday” and then off the pile ot goes!
Or at least that’s how I’d like it to work out in my head. I’m normally then shocked by how little is in my case so put everything I took out, back in!
I’m sure Terry wouldn’t mind having some of your stuff in his case. I mean only in case yours goes missing at the airport obviously. You wouldn’t want to be left with nothing at all now, would you? (You can tell I’ve used that excuse before!)
.-= Jess´s last blog ..Sorry …again! =-.
Maybe you could look for a Mary Poppins bag?
I’ve always dreamt of such a magical bag….
.-= Bulles de Mode´s last blog ..Envie de ROSE !!!! =-.
I never take a lot of shoes because I’m afraid the airline will lose my luggage. I usually wear my favorite pair on the plane and pack some lesser-favorites.
I take a lot! For 2 weeks, at least 9 pairs… I’ll travel soon, I’m already thinking of what to take with me!!!!!!!
.-= Denise´s last blog ..Shoes, pictures, relaxing a bit =-.
For my last four week holiday, I took… three pairs of shoes. I know, right?
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Shoe Retrospective =-.
I am going on holiday next week so am going through the same thing at the moment. If I could just transport my bedroom to my destination then we wouldn’t have a problem. I went away for the weekend last week and took 5 pairs of shoes so I don’t know what I am going to end up with for a full week!
It depends on where I’m traveling to and if there’s going to be shopping opportunity there. If there is i’ll take 3-4 shoes with me because 99.99% sure I’ll be getting shoes there. If there isn’t I’ll take 5-6 shoes. 🙂
.-= Ally C´s last blog ..Dress of the Day =-.
Hmmmm for a 2 week holiday last year I took 2 pairs of beachy flip flops, 1 pair of smart flip flops, 1-2 flats and a pair of heels. But if I were going for any longer it probably would have been about 10 pairs!
I take quite a lot, I’m a massive over packer, cannot pack light no matter how hard I try. I’ve been known to take about 4 or 5 pairs of shoes for a long weekend! Just in case I want to wear them and don’t have them with me. If I’m going with luggage restrictions though I will try to cut down, especially as I can buy some over there, so probably 6 ish pairs.
.-= Alex´s last blog ..The Zoo! =-.