You see these shoes, readers?
These shoes arrived on the Miss Selfridge website this morning, and I took one look at them and instantly added them to my wish list, thinking they’d be perfect for summer, and especially for summer holidays. Well, they’re nude (which means they’ll go with everything and allow me to leave more space in my suitcase for other things), they’re platform wedges (all the height I need, but almost as easy to walk in as flats), and, of course they’re pretty (no explanation needed).
So, I bookmarked them, thinking I’d blog about them tomorrow, and hopefully grab a pair for myself, either when I get paid, or if and when they go on sale: at £65 they’re a little (OK, a lot) more than I can afford right now, as well as being a lot more expensive than Miss Selfridge’s usual offerings, which was surprising, even given that they’re part of a limited edition range.
Tonight, I had another quick look at them. I do that when I find shoes I like.
People, they’re already sold out. In every size.
Either there was very little stock to begin with, or there are hundreds of women all just waiting for the chance to spend £65 on shoes that I want, possibly just to spite me. And you know, this happens all the time these days. Shopping has become almost a competitive sport: if you don’t buy the item you like the very second you see it, well, prepare for disappointment, because it will be sold out by the time you come back just a few hours later.
Remember the days when you could find something you liked, and then either save up for it, or wait for it to go on sale? Those days are gone, my friends. Now, as soon as items land on major brand websites, there’s this frenzied rush to buy them, and if you don’t get in quickly, you lose out. It’s great for the retailer, of course, but not so great for the consumer, because rather than taking your time to make the right purchasing decision, you have to just BUYBUYBUY!
This happened to me yesterday, too, with a certain Topshop skirt, so it’s obviously a bit of a touchy subject. As far as the shoes are concerned, however, well, I very much doubt they’ll still have them in store by the time I can afford to buy them, so I guess it’s back to eBay for me…
I guess you can take satisfaction that the women who buy them straight off will more likely be in debt, if they do it with one item, surely they do it with others?
They are beautiful shoes by the way, the bow makes them more special ^^
Sorry, Shoeperwoman. I know how much you love these, and I love them too.
Ass. Pain. In. The.
This is the exact reason for my credit card debt! If I love a pair of shoes and they’re at risk of selling out, I have to buy them right away even if I don’t exactly have the money. I’ve learnt from a few bad experiences of missing out on shoes I really wanted. (It’s weird to think that there are so many other people out there buying the same shoes as me, because I certainly never see any around here!)
“(It’s weird to think that there are so many other people out there buying the same shoes as me, because I certainly never see any around here!)”
This is exactly what I was thinking! I mean, I bet I will NEVER see anyone wearing these shoes (I’ve certainly never seen anyone wearing the red platforms that sold out last summer – and the fact that they sold out so quick is also amazing given that I’m apparently the only person in the world who likes them!), so who’s buying them?!
The same happened with a pair of boots I spied earlier this week. I was browsing one of my favorite websites for boot sales since the weather is getting warmer, and I find the cutest ankle boots. Slate gray, just a bit of a heel, beautiful wrap bow on the side, and in my size. And the most amazing part? Since it’s basically spring here now there were on sale for $9. Originally $50. So I immediatly jumped up and ran to get my mother and beg her to buy them for me (she’s the one with the credit card) so 15 min later we’re back the computer, I bring up the page, and they are ALL SOLD OUT. In 15 minutes. Now I know they were on sale and stock must have been low but 15 MINUTES? GAH
Ten minutes later the same thing happened with a peacoat that was also on sale. And a pair of tights. I decided to just turn of the computer after that. The website was obviously toying with me…
A pair if boots I wanted were on sale at River Island. In my size. I got talked out of buying them. They obviously sell out. I’ve decided at this point they will be mine. In the next couple of days they come back in my size. I jump. By the time I get to the checkout they were gone. The boots were taunting me. And they haven’t shown up on ebay yet. It is ridiculous how quick things sell.
I sooooo know what I mean. I was ‘forced’ to buy a pair of shoes yesterday that I had been eyeing for a while now, even if I did intend to wait until next week. But I saw them disappearing in a couple of sizes, so I got anxious that they would sell out in my size soon as well. Aaaaaah. Not to mention the times I actually missed out on items. (such as the gorgeous oversized bow platforms from MissS that you did get a hand on :p)
No advice, just some hugs and nice thoughts… 😀
I blame the internet! In the old days *insert wavery flash back* like you say, you could spy something and save for it but now everyone has fast computers and fast credit so it’s quite easy to snap things up. I go into quite a panic when I see something I really like and subsequently I have to dash to get my debit card!!
My latest shoe “miss” has me checking eBay everyday….surely I can’t do it for the rest of time…..can I??!?
I’ve had this happen to me with discount sites, the worst being the Outnet when it had a big sale and everytime I put something in my basket, by the time I went to pay for it it had been nabbed from my basket and someone else had bought it… seriously, if you were actual shopping rather than virtual shopping and someone took something from your basket you’d probably punch them right? Or maybe, not as extreme as that… it depends on how empassioned you are by your shopping… anyway, my point was I’ve never had it happen to me on full price items, so that’s quite surprising.
Shopping has become very stressful and I think it’s a least in part because the idea of fashion seasons spring/summer, high summer, autumn/winter exists in a different way now. Most retailers have a ridiculously fast turnaround of styles so their stock must come in in smaller quantities. It’s bad on many levels because, as you’ve pointed out, if you don’t buy something you want RIGHT.THIS.SECOND you’re saying goodbye to it forever, most likely (or resigning yourself to the hell that is ebay) It encourages impulse shopping and throwaway fashion, and of course it means that it’s bad in terms of sustainability and the environmental impact is massive. You may remember a story from a few years back about H&M having a policy of slashing unworn garments that were ‘past season styles’ (a few weeks old) before putting them in dumpsters – so that homeless people couldn’t take them and wear them? It’s this ridiculously fast turnaround that is causing that. Bad, bad, bad.
I am sorry you missed out on your wedges as well, because they are pretty awesome.
I totally agree – I think it probably contributes to the whole credit-based society we have now, too, whereby people feel like they HAVE to have something, and that if they don’t buy it rightthisverysecond they’ll miss out, so they have to reach for the credit card. I think the stock levels must actually be pretty low in order for things to sell out as quickly – I mean, I just can’t believe there were THAT many people all wanting those shoes!
I saw these yesterday and thought it was a bit quick to sell out, just nipped on now to have a look around and they are IN STOCK in all sizes :o)
Hey Shoeperwoman, loving your blog and glad you like the wedges! Apologies they weren’t in stock when you tried to buy last week, however they will be back up on site tomorrow with fresh stock behind all sizes. Happy Shopping! x
Hey Miss S!
Thanks for commenting, that’s fantastic news: will get saving 🙂