You all know by now what a sucker I am for hearts on shoes (or clothes. Or anything, really.) so it’ll come as no surprise to hear that I’m a big fan of these heart-cutout peep toes by Love Moschino.
These are actually a fairly subtle take on the heart-shoe look, and slightly less “cutesy” than some of their heart-covered sisters. In fact, it’s only when you take a closer look that the heart-cutouts becomeĀ apparent, and I rather like that about them: the result is a very wearable, fairly classic shoe (especially to someone like me, whose go-to shoe colour is bright red), but with a sweet little twist.
These are $270 and you can click here to buy them.
I am not crazy about the ankle straps – I think you need to have super long legs and tiny ankles for them to look good – but the heart cut-outs are waaaaay cute and the color is a nice mix of pink and red.
I like them very much but hate the ankle strap.