Lip shoes by Giannico – all available at Net-a-Porter
There’s a certain subset of the shoe world that I think of as “lip shoes” – and yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like: shoes with lips on them.
Now, you wouldn’t really think lip shoes would be a “thing” really, but while I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a “trend”, I am frequently quite surprised by the sheer number of shoe designers who seem to wake up one morning and think, “Lip shoes! Shoes with lips! THAT’S what I’m going to do!” Giannico is apparently one of those brands: Louisa Via Roma currently stock four pairs of Giannico shoes (three of which are seen here: I skipped the ‘lips’ ankle boots, but you can go and take a look, if you so desire), and every single pair has at least one set of juicy red lips on the front: go figure.
Now, I’ve said it before, I’m sure, but lips tend not to be one of the first things I go looking for in a shoe. I wouldn’t necessarily reject a shoe I liked on the basis of it having a lip print somewhere on the upper, but, well, for me, lips and feet just don’t really mix, so I always find the combination a little bit jarring. That’s just me, though, and there are obviously enough people out there who love lips and shoes enough to make the look sell, so if you’re one of those people, you might like the shoes above. I have to hand it to them, they are an interesting take on a high heel court shoe, and the last pair in particular are bright, bold, and some would say beautiful. What do YOU say, though? What do you think of these three pairs of lip shoes?
The lovely look of the classic pump wins my vote and the black patents are the desired prize. The connotation of the lips being part of the design probably has a different meaning with every beholder. To me, the lips are distractions rather than assets. I guess if I were in playful moods, the lips could be part of the hints. Having said this, I realize there are businesses and social movements that use the lips symbols as part of their logo or identity, which have helped to promote this look. Even most people have an intimate bias that encourage the lip look. However, I share your sentiments about lip appliques being part of the shoe design. Usually, high heels enhance the appearance of their wearer’s feet. However, if you want lips there, this is one of the reasons why personal choice is an individual matter, just like our choice of heels and attire for that matter.