Ways I’ve Worn… Vivienne Westwood x Melissa Lady Dragon Cherry Shoes

Lady Dragon Cherry shoes

Lady Dragon Cherry Shoes by Vivienne Westwood x Melissa

I’m a huge fan of the Vivienne Westwood for Melissa line, but although I have quite a few pairs of the shoes, my absolute favourites would have to be my Lady Dragon Cherry Shoes (Which sold out long ago, but which you can often find on eBay if you want a pair). Here are some of the ways I’ve worn them – and saved them in my Shoe Challenge.

green dress and Lady Dragon cherry shoes

Shoe Challenge 2010: Lady Dragon Cherry shoes and green New Look sundress

For my very first Shoe Challenge, I “saved” the shoes with a green New Look sundress. Sundresses have apparently been an ongoing theme with these shoes, because for the next year’s Challenge, I did the same thing again:

yellow dress and LAdy Dragon Cherry shoes

Shoe Challenge 2011/12: Lady Dragon Cherry shoes with yellow sundress from a local boutique

I always feel like cherries give shoes/outfits a bit of a “pin-up” feel, so most of the outfits I’ve worn these shoes with have been along those lines. Then again, most of the outfits I wear with ALL my shoes are along those lines, so no surprises there!

Stop Staring dress and LAdy Dragon Cherry shoes

Shoe Challenge 2012/13: Stop Staring dress and Lady Dragon Cherry shoes

What did I tell you?

Because these shoes are so versatile, and have a relatively low heel, which makes them easy to walk in, I often take them with me on holiday:

double dots

July 2012: Lady Dragon Cherry shoes, F21 skirt, George swimsuit

With this outfit, I couldn’t resist pairing the shoes with a matching brooch: it was just too tempting.

Lady Dragin Cherry shoes and gingham skirt

May 2013: Lady Dragon Cherry shoes with ASOS gingham circle skirt, Zara cardigan and River Island brooch

These have yet to be saved in the current challenge, because it hasn’t been warm enough to wear them since the challenge started. Of all of my Melissa/Vivienne Westwood shoes, however, these are the ones I wear most often, so I’m sure I won’t have any difficulty this time, either. Roll on Springtime: I want to wear my favourite shoes!


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