I’m bored with boots. By the time January rolls around, I’m sick to death of winter, and ready to cast aside the warm clothes and knee high boots for something a little more summery. Actually, who am I kidding: by the time SEPTMBR rolls around I’m sick to death of winter, but sadly for me, there’s still a good few months of it left to get through, which means boots are still high on the agenda.
If I MUST wear boots, then, I think I like the look of these ones by Kurt Geiger. They’re simple enough to wear every day, but with that little row of studs on the sole to bring them up to date and stop them being too plain. I’d still prefer a pair of sexy sandals, though…
Sandals for me too. Although I do like these… and winter will be here before I know it.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..This week’s flowers =-.