I think we need a special name for all of these very ornate heels shoe designers seem keen to foist upon us at the moment. I think I’ll call them “Candlestick Heels”, because that’s what they most often remind me off. The ones on Dune’s ‘Glory’ peep toes, for instance, wouldn’t look out of place on an old fashioned candelabra. I think this is why this particular style never really looks like it belongs on someone’s foot to me. There’s just something about this look that seems to be trying too hard for my tastes: it’s just a bit fussy, isn’t it?
These come in black and nude, and also feature one of those strange little peep toes, as seen on shoes by Louboutin and McQueen, among others. What do you think of the Candlestick heels and tiny peep toes, everyone? If you love them, these are part of Dune’s Black Sand range, and are £220(!).
Cool heel, uncool mini-peep.
I love the heel, but more in the sense that I’d want it on a piece of furniture than on my feet, but that tiny peeptoe is just odd.
The nude colour is perfect. The heel and toe, not so much. If you’re going to put a peeptoe on a shoe, make it a proper one. I feel these heels are just a fad. At least, I hope so.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Tasty =-.
i hate those tiny peep toes and the heel reminds me of a pepper grinder =/
.-= charles´s last blog ..barbie headlines =-.