Dark brown over-the-knee boots, £160
Over the course of the last few years, thigh-high boots have become a bit of a surprise winter staple for me. I say “surprise”: I know this particular style can create some “Pretty Woman” associations for many people, and up until recently I’d have been one of them. I actually find thigh high boots (which are what over-the-knee boots are on someone my height) much more useful than knee-highs, though, especially when worn with a dress or skirt with a hemline lower than the top of the boots. Whereas a knee-high, or three-quarter length boot will essentially chop your leg/body into sections, thigh highs create one continuous line from toe to hem, looking much more streamlined, and surprisingly elegant. I also find it easier to track down over-the-knee boots which fit my calves properly, so that’s another point in their favour for me!
While I have a couple of pairs of black boots in this style, and one tan pair, though, my shoe closet is lacking a dark brown version. Enter these boots from River Island. They have that sleek, no-fuss shape I love, and the dark brown colour would work perfectly with much of my autumn/winter wardrobe.
What I’m trying to say here? If these weren’t £160, they’d be on their way to me right now. I guess there’s always sale time, though…
[Buy them]
I like the concept, but they just look silly on me.