Anna Dello Russo for H&M now online

Anna Dello Russo for H&M

“Wow, those are pretty fancy for H&M!” I thought, when the first of these shoes appeared on my screen. And then, “Double wow! Those are pretty PRICEY for H&M, too!”

There is, of course, an explanation for that: these are all part of the Anna Dello Russo collection for H&M, which launched this week, and is now available online in the UK. I’m not normally a fan of capsule collections, and would rather spend an extra few hours in bed than go and queue outside H&M for the launch of one of their designer collaborations, but I must admit, I love this one. True, I can’t quite imagine what I’d actually DO with a pair of gold ankle boots, but I love them to look at, and the rest of this collection is just as eye-catching. I particularly like the over-the-knee boots on the far right of the image above: they’re the perfect mix of simple and sexy, and if they were a little closer to H&M’s usual price-points, rather than the slightly more expensive  I’d probably be hitting the “Buy Now” button on the H&M website, rather than writing this post.

I guess this is the big question, then: would you pay this much (The cheapest item in this collection is the gold sandals, at £99) for shoes made by H&M, albeit designed by Anna Della Russo? If you would, you can purchase online here.


  • I don’t know who Anna whatever-her-name-is, is, and I gotta be honest, none of these shoes are making me want to find out.

  • No way. As much as I love those gold ankle boots (even if they are maybe a little absurd), that is way, way too much money to spend on H&M.

    As an aside, I have some serious envy that H&M offers online shopping over there. They don’t in the US, and there isn’t a brick-and-mortar store within a hundred miles of me.

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