Christian Louboutin Spiked 100 leather ankle boots

Christian Louboutin Spiked 100 leather ankle boots Christian Louboutin Spiked 100 leather ankle boots

Christian Louboutin Spiked 100 leather ankle boots, £895

Well, you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of these, would you? Those heels look like they could do some serious damage, and I mean, they WON’T, obviously. I haven’t seen them in person, but I’m going to make an educated guess that the leather will be soft, and there will be absolutely no danger of inadvertently hurting yourself (or anyone else, for that matter) on your heels, but they do LOOK a little bit dangerous, and that, of course, is the whole point.

These boots have a tough, edgy look about them, and even although that’s not even remotely my style, I have to admit, it’s pretty cool – and possibly easier to wear than you might think. I always think ankle boots make it easier to get away with designs that are a little more “out there” than you’d be able to easily wear on a court shoe, say: probably because I normally wear boots with tights, which tend to tone down the overall look a little. Whatever you think of these, though, I just had to show you them: well, it’s not often I come across something quite this striking, is it?

Speaking of striking – and of Christian Louboutin:

Christian Louboutin thigh-high boots

These thigh-high boots have true ‘wow factor’, and that Victoriana-inspired look is one that never really goes out of style. If you’re thinking they look like an absolute pain to put on (I know I was: imagine having to do up all of those metal fastenings!), don’t worry – they’re a pull-on style, so they should be easier than they look – although just how easy it would be to pull on a boot quite that long in the leg remains to be seen! Still, I have a feeling these would be worth any effort required somehow: if only I could actually afford them!

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