These shoes are straying a little too close to “peep toe boot” territory for comfort, but I still really like them. I think it has something to do with the wonderful colour selection – I’m still loving bright blue (good job too, because there’s a lot of it around at the moment!), but the purple versions are also nice, and they’re also available in black suede and leather if you’re looking for something less bright.
The curved shape of the sides also go a long way towards making me like these, and they’re also reasonably priced, at $90. Get them at Aldo.
those are gorgeous! even though i don’t like peep toe boots very much either… =)
.-= charles´s last blog ..Plum Lips + Gray Nails–Today’s Outfit =-.
I am fiercely against peep toe boots, but these just have… something.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Shoe Retrospective, part 1 =-.