What to Wear With Polka Dot Shoes | RED Valentino polka dot patent peep toes

polka dot peep toe shoes by RED Valentino

RED Valentino polka dot patent peep toes

What to wear with polka dot shoes: RED Valentino polka dot peep toes, £330

What  do you get when you combine polka dots, peep toes and bow? You get a very excited ShoeperWoman. that’s what: these are just a few of my very favourite things, and when you put them all together, and have them sprinkled by the shoeper magic of one of my favourite brands, too, it’s fair to say that I’m probably going to like the results.

You wouldn’t be wrong, either. These RED Valentino peep toes are the ideal shoe to give a pin-up inspired twist to whatever you’re wearing, although, in my case, I guess it helps that I’ll probably be wearing an outfit with a pin-up twist all of its own, anyway. These will also work with more modern looks, however: Harvey Nicholas have styled them with a pair of blue jeans, which looks fantastic, and really allows the shoes to take centre stage. Not that they need much, help, mind you: that shiny, polka print upper is designed to get attention, and just in case you doubted their ability to do just that, there’s also a 5″ heel and that little bow at the front to contend with.

What to wear with polka dot shoes?

I also decided to allow the shoes to be the focal point of this look, but, being my permanently-overdressed self, I’ve gone for a much more dressed-up look rather than a casual one:

what to wear with polka dot shoes

What to wear with polka dot shoes:

dress // sunglasses // scarf // lipstick // nail polish 

Well, what can I say: the shoes were crying out to be part of a retro/classic look – and when have I ever been known to ignore the cry of a shoe in need?

(Er, those sunglasses also come in a polka dot version. Don’t think I wasn’t tempted…)




  • In my younger days I had a black and white checked pleated skirt and I came across court shoes that match. I loved the wearing them together so I think you should have gone for the matching sun glasses.

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