Tory Burch pink ‘Wrap Up’ sandals

I have a shocking confession to make. You may want to sit down before I say it.

Are you sitting down? OK, here goes…

I’ve never really “got” the appeal of Tory Burch’s famous flats.

I know people rave about them. I know they always seem to be spoken about as a “shoe staple”.  And they’re possibly the most comfortable shoes in all the world, for all I know. But I just don’t get them. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t hate them. They’re totally inoffensive to look at, but that’s all they are as far as I can see, so I’ve never quite understood why so many people seem to love them.

These shoes, on the other hand? These I can totally understand. Sure, they’re so pink you might need sunglasses to wear them, and those ankle ties will have lots of you shouting “Cankles! Cankles!” at the screen right this very second, but still, I’d take them over the flats any day. Anyone else? If so, they’re £295 at Net-a-Porter.


  • I can’t have an opinion on the flats until I see them because for the life of me I cannot remember what they look like.

    These pink monstrosities, however, I can have an opinion on. And it’s not a positive one.
    .-= Tracey´s last blog ..Bad =-.

  • Tory Burch flats are cute but nothing more than that. I have a pair of black ballet flats I like much better than Tory’s line and they were a fraction of the price. I am also not a big fan of giant designer labels on clothes (like the big “T” on Tory Burch’s flats).

    I don’t care for these pink shoes, because I hate criss-crossing fabric. It always reminds me of Easter baskets.

  • Like Alison, I’m not a fan of giant designer labels, but I’d wear the flats before these glutinous pink things. (At least you could stick something of your own over the ‘T’s.)

  • Wow, those are so cute! I don’t usually like the color pink all that much, and don’t wear it much, but those are so flowing, and beautiful. I definitely wanna try and get my hands on those. Thanks for the pic!
    .-= Vic´s last blog ..Japanese Hair Straightening =-.

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