These shoes fill my heart with joy. I don’t really need to explain why, do I? (Click here to buy them)
When I saw these on that website, I immediately thought, well, Amber would LOVE these. I’m spending too much time on the webz, aren’t I? Reply
I also thought of you when I was adding these to my saved list for asos’ competition 🙂 sadly I didn’t win, but hopefully these’ll still be available when I’m finally employed Reply
I’ve asked my boyfriend to buy these dreams for (me) our anniversary…but i think that he has already forget* it. As usual, talking about heels. 😀 * His excuse to not listen to me Reply
No explanation necessary. These are divine and not a bad price for TB either
I do love a bit of Ted :o)
The bow is beautiful! It’s different from what you see on other shoes.
When I saw these on that website, I immediately thought, well, Amber would LOVE these. I’m spending too much time on the webz, aren’t I?
I also thought of you when I was adding these to my saved list for asos’ competition 🙂
sadly I didn’t win, but hopefully these’ll still be available when I’m finally employed
Love them!
No further words are needed. Please buy a pair for me while you’re at it.
I’ve asked my boyfriend to buy these dreams for (me) our anniversary…but i think that he has already forget* it. As usual, talking about heels. 😀
* His excuse to not listen to me