OOTD | A retro dress with cherries on top

OOTD:  cherry print retro dress and red high heels

OOTD:  Cherry print dress c/o ChicWish // Hell Bunny cardigan // Guess peep toes c/o Spartoo // Cherry brooch  // MAC Ruby Woo lipstick

When this dress arrived, I imagined I’d mostly be wearing it with boots, tights, and maybe my new leather-look jacket, too. I’m sure I WILL wear it that way at some point soon, but today I’m taking advantage of the still-warm September weather to break out the peep toes while I still have the chance! I knew as soon as I saw the dress that red shoes would be the obvious choice for it: I just didn’t think I’d actually get to wear them until Spring time: gotta love this wonderful, unexpectedly warm weather!

All of the items in the image are the exact ones I’m wearing today, with the exception of the cheery brooch: mine isn’t quite as nice, unfortunately, but it’s along the same lines! A quick word to anyone tempted to buy the dress: it’s a lovely dress, but it does run fairly large in the bodice/waist, which is too large for me. I’ll have to have it altered to be able to wear it without anything over the top: for now, though, I have my cardigan buttoned up, and am wearing it more like a skirt.

What’s your OOTD (Outfit of the Day) today?

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