These boots generated a bit of controversy when Peter Jensen sent them down the runway earlier this year. They’re based on traditional Greenlandic boots, and apparently some people took huge offense at the sight of them on the runway: there was a protest held in Greenland itself, and Jensen even received death threats over them, despite insisting that no offense had been intended. (His aunt lived in Greenland during the 60s, and Jensen said the boots were a tribute to some of the styles he’d seen there.)
All a bit bizarre, and I have to say, I still don’t see why people would be offended by a pair of boots to the point where they’d actually want to threaten someone’s life over them. Fashion designers have always drawn inspiration from different cultures and I’m pretty sure that’s all that happened here.
With all of that said, I probably would’t wear these boots. Sorry, Greenland. Please don’t kill me.
Peter Jensen high leg boots, £195, Topshop
It’s a weird one :S
Personally, I don’t see the fuss either in these things either. A lot of people do though. Can we blame religion? It’s bound to be in there somewhere? Politics? A given.
Take for instance Primark and New Looks gorgeous Union Jack sequin bags… sold out EVERYWHERE… everywhere except Northern Ireland that is, because some people are just bog bags of crazy and would slit your throat for “parading” one.
Utter madness.
Anyway back to the boots. I can actually see you in these, with a white crotchet dress on top… maybe… not
.-= dressjunkie´s last blog ..*Blushes* =-.
lol at the image of me in white boots and crochet dress!
I woudn’t imagine the Union Jack stuff sells too well here in Scotland either (well, I haven’t seen anyone with it) – all just too political! I remember reading an interview with Peter Jensen in which he wondered if these caused such offense because he’s Danish, so I suspect you’re right – there’s always got to be politics or religion in there somewhere!
all that AND they’re ugly:D
.-= MsVeve´s last blog ..Meringue rings.. The tastiest look around. =-.
I think they look pretty cool, but not in an I’m-going-to-go-wear-them way. Maybe with a plain black dress, that’s what I’d do.
The Greenlanders will not be upset with me because I will not wear these.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Poor Huffle Mawson =-.
I wonder if anybody really wears them??? Sorry, Greenlanders)))
i feel like the brand irregular choice would have more fun with the idea…these don’t really work for me
.-= charles´s last blog ..Weekly Inspiration =-.
whoops…i bought these. but i bought them knowing the controversy and i am unmoved by Greenlands stance. Do you know how many peole dress up as germany’s “heidi the beir gal” here in the states. yeah…..i love these and the don’t hold a candle to Greenlands real karniks. but take it for what it is….i didn’t even know about Greenlands national costume until PJ came out with these.
.-= meredith´s last blog ..i knew it was wrong….i did it anyway. =-.
I’m curious now, what do you pair them with and are they nicer IRL?? x
.-= dressjunkie´s last blog ..Boo! =-.
I’m always surprised at those who get so worked up over something like this. Now swastikas on clothing, that would be something to get worked up about, but drawing influence from another culture? Sheesh, designers have been drawing their inspiration from other cultures ever since they discovered other cultures to draw inspiration from. They are, however, pretty ugly in my opinion!
.-= Selina´s last blog ..Your daily dose of pretty: Alice in Wonderland corset by The Vintage Doctor (and a shameless plug) =-.
There is people from Greenland who actually bought theese Kamiks inspired by the Greenlandic national costume, to support his design and using the inspiration of his inspiration.
I have met people who thinks it is cool and it’s actually not bad at all. “So no worries” 😉
Taken from a comment:
“That I am now getting death threats is really taking this thing out of proportion.”
What??? from who..I’ll find the person an slap him.
“It’s probably because Jensen is a Dane that some Greenlanders they feel they’re being exploited. Anti-colonialism and all.” ….ohh right,we been living with colonialism for more than 250 years, soo we’re allmost danes.
So easy now
As a greenlander myself, I personaly think they are very cool:D
I’m from Greenland & I want those shoes so BAD !!!!
A lots of women I know, they want those shoes & there only few people who doesn’t like them …
I am inuit, from Greenland, and I am so gonna wear these, I’ll wear a pair of black shorts and top with them, and with a greenlandic necklace!! Thrilled!
Would like to see more greenlandic inspired clothes, I see it as a personal statement, that I am a proud Greenlandic woman, cause I don’t look much like an inuit. 😀
Hugs & thanks!