My first thought upon seeing these Karen Millen court shoes was that they were a couple of little punks, what with all that mohawk action going on at the back there. And of course, they’re not even remotely punk-like (they’re white stiletto court shoes, after all), but that’s really all I can think of now when I see them. It’s as if they have FACES. Moving on…
The “extravagant ruffle” that gives these their name is just TOO extravagant for me, and I find myself wishing they’d head to the hairdresser and get themselves a buzz cut. Aaaand, there I go thinking of them as people again. Must. Stop. That.
What do you think of these, readers? Heroes or Villains? Or… punks?
To me, they look like they’re travelling really, really fast. I just keep thinking “woosh” when I look at them.
Hi Amber! I´m a new fan, and I just love your blog. In this case I vote… punk heroe!
Option 4: a mess.
I love extravagant shoes. To me, they’re practically the only ones that scream “designer” enough, hah. Except for ALL Loubs and some Manolos. I just got Louby Envols (with the “tulip”) look, so I’m on my way to owning some. 😉
I’m thinking of Badgley Mishckas, not sure which ones. Far less extravagant, far more affordable, ha ha.
.-= Ella Mode´s last blog ..What Lady GaGa will Wear on her Feet Come Fall =-.
For some reason they remind me of shrimps…
One word:
Um, I can’t make up my mind about these. I do know I’d never wear them.
.-= Tracey´s last blog ..Me and him =-.
I love them!!!