Gian Lorenzi fringed leather thigh high boots

thigh-high-fringe-bootsWhat does everyone think of these boots? I’ve never been a friend of fringe particularly: I wouldn’t go so far as to say I hate it – it can look great on some people and some things – but it’s just not something that’s ever really appealed to me, so when I saw these fringe-backed thigh high boots by Gian Lorenzi, my first instinct was to grab a pair of scissors and give them a bit of a haircut.

Of course, that would probably be a shame, given that the fringing is what sets these boots apart from all of the other pairs of thigh highs (and there’s a LOT of them) around at the moment, so I’m going to sit on my hands and let you tell me what you think of them. Opinions?

Gian Lorenzi fringed thigh high boots, £1159


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