DUO ‘Bach’ boots, £230
I allow myself to visit the DUO website maybe once every season. Any more than that, and I start to worry that the lure of finally owning a pair of boots that ACTUALLY fit my calves will be too much, and I’ll find myself spending £230 on a pair of emerald green knee boots.
When I do visit the site, I go straight to the “high heels” section (Well, of course!) and then straight to the bright colours, purely because they’re the ones that stand out. Black and brown boots may be more practical, but they all start to blend in to each other after a while, and that’s definitely not something you could say about these ‘Bach’ boots, now is it?
Luckily for me, even although these are the perfect colour for my wardrobe, my £230 is safe on this occasion, because they’re not quite the perfect shape. My issue is with the platform: it gives these a bit of a 70s feel, and while I think that can work wonderfully well in tan, say, in emerald green I think I’d struggle to pull it off without feeling like I was in a 70s TV show. Or like I was one of Santa’s little elves.
The “elf” issue could be easily rectified here by going for the bright purple upper which is also available in this style, but I think I’ll just wait for a non-platform, slightly more streamlined version to come out. If you love these as they are, however, you can buy them here – and remember, DUO make your boots to measure, so you’re guaranteed the perfect fit.
Oh don’t tempt me over to the Duo site….. oops too late.
I didn’t know I needed purple boots until this moment.