Dsquared2 studded platform peep toes

I’ve never been particularly fond of the word “fierce” as used to describe shoes, but in this case I think it’s the only word to use, because these? Are fierce.

Taking the sharp, studded look, and wrapping it all the way around the sole of the shoe, DSquared have certainly made sure that anyone who gets in your way while you’re wearing these will live to regret it: step on someone’s toe in these and you’ll run the risk of doing a fair bit of damage. Actually, in MY case, I’d probably ALSO do a fair bit of damage to my house, my legs, anything else I happened to be wearing at the time… you get the picture. That’s not the ONLY reason I won’t be buying these (there’s the small matter of them costing $1,291 to consider, plus the fact that they don’t look like they’re worth anything like that much), but if they’re exactly what you’ve been waiting for all your life, you can buy a pair from the DSquared2 online shop.


  • They look like they’ve been WEAPONISED. I like heels that look like they could put an eye out but I like my uppers fairly docile.

  • I can see these shoes in a cartoon where they are ‘killer shoes’, or better still ‘assassin shoes’, attacking poor innocent, soft-hearted polka-dot shoes and pink shoes and shoes with bows on them. And the shoes with bows on them will try to run away and trip over their floppy bows and the assassin shoes will catch up with them and there will be blood. Shoe blood. How frightful!

    • Uh, I would totally watch that cartoon! haha.

      And I really do like these shoes but that platform is…Y’know what, actually, I’ve changed my mind. I love these! I’d wear them around my house. haha!

    • LOL wow someone is jadded!! Relax hunny they are just shoes, no need to take your anger out on just a pair of “hooker” heels. PS they are super cute for the “alter ego” in any pretty lady:)

      • Lordy, insulting strangers on the internet just because they don’t like exactly the same shoes as you – you sound like you have some serious issues there, Karolina….

  • Dont TRash THEM ladies…Im sure your all Super sexy in bed and beautiful.But instead of just judging shoes, such as this, slip them on and your man will be like WOW, there is something diffrent. Your all real woman, a great woman, im not at all disrespecting, but spice it up a bit for your man, not in the street like a hooker but like a goddess in bed!!! Own it ladies, man like a wee bit diffrence, from nice to naughty. After all thats why they see strippers on their lunch break, something diffrent!! Im not hating just stating the facts ladies:)

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