Charlotte Olympia Birds of Paradise Cage-Heel Sandal

Charlotte Olympia Birds of Paradise Cage-Heel Sandal

Charlotte Olympia Birds of Paradise Cage-Heel Sandal, $1595

I know many of you dislike Charlotte Olympia’s trademark half-platform (I don’t, but I can see why it wouldn’t be for everyone), so here’s a shoe without that particular design element, but with something completely different to set it apart:

birdcage heel

(Sorry about the gigantic images, folks, I just wanted to you to be able to see the detail on these properly!)

A cute little parrot inside the “cage” of the heel.

Now, I don’t know… part of me absolutely loves this, but the other part – the stupidly sentimental part – thinks the bird looks sad somehow, and that makes me sad, too. And yes, I do realise I’m reading way too much into a fake bird on a shoe!

Even without the birdcage heel, these would still be an interesting shoe, with great use of crystals and bows to create a very festive kind of look. Does that bow remind anyone else of the kind you buy to decorate Christmas parcels with?

What do you think of these?

[Buy them]


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